Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017
Loaded out of the house in Georgetown into the motorhome and away we went to Rockport.  Left at 9:05 AM and arrived 2:30 PM at Paradise Bay where we had decided to have our lunch before finding our way to the campground.  Paradise Bay Grille sits at the end of a road that gives access for the public boat launch, a marina for storage of all sorts of craft and a huge boat repair facility that looked like an aircraft hanger, tall, wide and long.

Table selection was a bit slow but we were finally seated and began our eating adventure.  First was clam chowder, the recommendation of a couple we met on the way in.  We then shared the fried seafood platter of mahi-mahi, oysters, shrimp, fries and coleslaw.  All yummy!  For dessert we decided to have the key lime pie.  When it came we were so excited we forgot to take a photo.

Leaving Paradise Bay we made our way (with only being lost once) to Goose Island and the Texas State Park where we checked in and were assigned a spot just off the water which meant we could see the water between other RV’s that were parked right on the water.  Got all set up and tried out our lounge chairs in the reclined position.  Some call this naps.  Slept until after 6:00 PM    Had a walk to see the sunset over the water.
Then a quiet evening watching over-the-air TV, not very exciting except for old re-runs of Fraser.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Bob’s 77th birthday.  Started the day with a big breakfast of fruit, sausage, eggs, toast and peanut butter.  Installed our new towel rack in the bath, cleaned inside the motorhome, carried trash to the dumpster (don’t know how we make so much garbage in such a small space), read some, had a sandwich for lunch, discovered an empty space on the water so called the office to see if we could get it and found it was still occupied but they did have two spaces we could choose from.  We disconnected our water and electric and drove to see the choices and decided on one, called the desk and advised our choice and then set up camp in our new space, maybe 20 feet from the water’s edge with views of the shrimp boats working the bay and pelicans and ducks floating just offshore.  Much nicer spot
At about 3:00 PM we uprooted our motorhome again and off to see the birds.  Whooping cranes had been spotted in a large field close by so we drove there first but no whoopers but did see a large group of sandhill cranes.  With the long lens we were able to view them.  Had a stop at the "Big Tree".

Leaving the wildlife we drove into Rockport for our obligatory visit to Walmart for some essentials.  Several RV’s parked in the lot so we visited with some of them before making our purchases.  From Walmart it was off to our restaurant, Latitude 28.02 where we parked in the parking lot so we could see the water from our chairs where we enjoyed happy hour before our reservation at 6:00 PM.

For dinner we enjoyed a salad for Bob, poblano/corn chowder for Iris, grilled drum, Iris added crab meat and asparagus, Bob’s plain broiled fish, both with vegetables and orzo.  As usual it was very nice.

Asking for the check from Nancy she brought it and Bob handed over his credit card.  Nancy returned with the card but no bill and informed us that the gentleman seated behind us had taken care of the bill and tip and wished Bob a Happy Birthday.  Preparing to leave we thanked the men seated behind us and they seemed happy to see us enjoying Bob’s birthday so they wanted to do that for us.  WOW!

We drove back to Goose Island State Park and set up the connections in the dark but all went well and it was not long before we were in bed.  Iris had to sit up and read for a couple of hours but this did not disturb the birthday boy.

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