Sunday, October 9, 2016

September 29, 2016
Oklahoma City to Amarillo, TX
271 miles today with the sun at our back and the new motorhome performing just as we wanted, trouble-free.  The Fort Amarillo Campground was very comfortable with good WiFi.  We had stayed here on an earlier trip.  Iris drove for the first time today for about 1.5 hours.  She was quite comfortable and did a fine job.

September 30, 2016
Amariillo to Santa Fe
Leaving the campground we drive back along I-40 Business to find a supermarket where we stocked up on essentials and to Walmart to fill up with fuel.  The on to I-40 W for our drive today to Santa Fe.  271 miles again today.  Wind was a little tough driving so Iris declined to drive today.  Stopped in Santa Rosa, NM at the Silver Moon Cafe for lunch with a nice big parking lot for trucks and RV’s.  Green chili cheeseburger and green chili stew that we split, both were very good.  Arriving in Santa Fe we checked in at the Los Suenos Park, got settled, did the laundry and cleaned house then spent the evening with a short read and crashed.

October 1, 2016
Santa Fe
After breakfast we rode the bus into town from Los Suenos, $1 each for all day use of the bus.  We stopped at the French Bakery for cafe latte and a couple of pain-au-raisins, walked around the Plaza looking at the Indian jewelry for sale by the indians sitting under the portals, then met Robin at The Shed for margaritas and New Mexican food (Bob & Robin had layered enchiladas with red chili sauce and a fried egg on top that was delicious.  Iris had pork carne adovada that was good also).  Then a shopping walk with Robin around the Plaze before we returned by bus to our motorhome while Robin checked into her motel.  Robin drove to our motorhome later for wine and smoked summer sausage and cheese.

October 2, 2016
Santa Fe
Robin picked us up at 10:30 AM and we went to Museum Hill where we saw the Wheelwright Museum, today was first Sunday thus free admission.  We enjoyed the beautiful jewelry and implements used by the Navajo and Zuni to make items from silver and beads.  Had a coffee at the Museum Hill Cafe before looking at the items for sale at the Museum of Indian Culture and Heritage.  Robin bought lovely earrings.  Then a drive to Tesuque, out from Santa Fe for lunch at the Tesuque Market Place.  Blood orange margaritas went down smoothly followed by smoked brisket  with green chili slices on a bun for Iris and Bob had red chili enchiladas and again we shared half of each.  We drove back to town for a stop at Trader Joe’s for peanut butter and flowers and Robin needed a few things also.  A stop at El Ray to see Robin’s motel, old but nice then she took us back to our  motorhome and we said our goodbyes.

October 3, 2016
Santa Fe to Colorado Springs
324 miles today in high winds.  Had lunch in Raton, NM where we have many times stopped for a meal but everything we used to go to was closed so we tried K-Bob’s where we thought we’d have our last NM meal before entering Colorado.  Disappointed!  Back on the road driving in the strong winds.  Passed Pueblo where Donald Trump was holding a rally, unknown to us,   Just before arriving at Colorado Springs we exited the freeway to go to Cheyenne Mountain State Park, our home for the next three nights.  The campground is very modern with great hook-ups, paved roads and level concrete pads for parking the motorhome.  We were set up quickly and called Bob & Sylvia to announce our arrival.  They came to the campground where we did the show and tell about the new motorhome and had a glass of wine before going to Tapateria.   We enjoyed many different tapas and some nice Spanish wine.  Nice place, good food, attentive staff, enjoyable.

October 4, 2016
Colorado Springs
After getting ready for the day Bob picked us up and drove us to their house where Sylvia  was working to prepare a fantastic lunch of grilled lamb chops, sweet potatoes and green peas with a super merlot.  Needless to say the meal was delicious.  We had a great time talking about current events as well as some old memories.  It was like we had never been apart even though it has been five years since we were together.  We made an early departure so we could watch the VP debate and promptly went to bed.

 What a setting!
Roughing it!

October 5, 2016
Colorado Springs
Bob & Sylvia picked us up at 10:30 for our drive up to  into the mountains west of Colorado Springs  and lunch at Swiss Chalet Restaurant where to food is always exceptional and today was no different.  B&S are regulars and we were treated like royalty.  We both had veal brats and kraut and is was really good.  We also enjoyed  a nice bottle of merlot.  After lunch we drove on to Mueller State Park to see the aspen colors and lots of deer.  We scouted out some RV sites for future use then drove back to Colorado Springs to their house for more visiting.  Sylvia had recently had back surgery but is recovering nicely.  While there we checked our emails as we don’t have WiFi in the state park and what fantastic news - our notary is setting the closing date for the sale of our house in France so either October 28 or November 4 was offered.  We are trying to get organized to make it for the 4th of November.  Yippee!!!!!!!!!  This is our last place to visit before heading back to Georgetown.

Iris' new hat!
October 6, 2016
Colorado Springs to Amarillo
Nice drive today but long, 350 miles, from the fuel stop in Colorado Springs after we left Cheyenne Mountain State Park until we arrived in Amarillo.   Rain was drizzling when we woke, then windy crossing Raton Pass, but after leaving Raton with Iris driving, it was pretty nice.  Iris pulled into the Rabbit Ear Cafe in  Clayton, NM about 12:20 PM where we had our last New Mexico meal for awhile, enchiladas for Bob and chili rellanos for Iris.  Yum!  Then on to Amarillo where we stopped at Walmart for fuel before arriving at Fort Amarillo RV Park again for the night.

October 7, 2016
We are leaving Amarillo this morning, 37 degrees, heading for the night in Abilene and home tomorrow early afternoon.

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