Monday, April 4, 2016

Latest News

Just realized that we've not said anything since Bob's birthday on January 31st.  What could we have possible been doing?  Don't ask!
We were in France from early January until March 22nd.  The purpose of this unusually timed trip was to try to solve some problems with our homeowners association where our house is located.  Basically the association is non-existant as maintenance of the common areas has been sadly lacking for a couple of years so one of the other owners joined us in a legal action against the association to try and get a new manager to address the problems.  The French legal system (Napoleon must have been a lawyer) is very complex and nothing like the British (and American) system based on precedent but strictly on the written law.  Mexicans could never live like that.  Anyway it took all that time to get an Advocate (French lawyer) to represent us, write letters and make appeal to a judge.  So now we're waiting on the ruling by the judge to appoint a new manager.  What a production!
It was not all work though - we still enjoy the markets and even if some Saturday mornings were very cold (35 F) we went to the Apt Market to have a sweet roll and coffee at our favorite cafe and meet the folks at the butcher shop, fish stall, cheese stall and the veg stall buying most of what we need to eat for the following week.  Long silk underwear helps during the cold rainy winter market days.  We also had discovered a lovely restaurant last summer in Le Chene, very close to our house, called Le Petit Ecole (little school) located in an old one-room school house that is two floors.  The school teacher probably lived upstairs and now the owners of the restaurant live there.  Downstairs is the dining space in the winter, during summer months the seating is outside in the garden.  So we enjoyed several meals there inside where they have space for 20 diners and we saw Kelly, wife of Chef Oliver have to turn away folks as reservations are required as they serve 20 people every day.  See their website at
We've had a short stay in Georgetown since returning from France but full of plans and activities to get ready for our summer in France.  We've enjoyed our little time with some great friends including a dinner party with the usual suspects that was wonderful friends that don't seem to forget us even though we're gone for many months at a time.
Now we're packing like mad getting ready for our return to France.  We leave Saturday for Miami where we will spend a couple of days then board the Oceania Riviera for our transatlantic crossing to Barcelona two weeks later..
We will try to do more blogs with some photos after we get to Miami.

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