Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Arrival at Heritage Wharf in Bermuda, 62 hours after leaving from Miami and 975 miles.  Situated on the extreme western end of the group of 180 islands that make up Bermuda this is where the British Navy had a presence until after WW I called the Dockyards.  Today all the buildings are converted to museums, shops and restaurants plus some new installations including seven acres of new land being reclaimed from the Atlantic to serve as the viewing area for the 2017 Americas Cup race to be held here.  Shortly after our arrival we met Sam, our driver for today in his van holding six of us for the morning tour of the islands.  Sam is 76 and was born in Bermuda so was full of stories and legends of the area.  We drove from the extreme western end to Somerset Drawbridge then along the south shore overlooking beaches including Horseshoe Bay and Church Bay then to Gibbs Hill Lighthouse for a photo stop and a drive into Hamilton for a walkabout along Front Street and then a sightseeing drive to Harbour Road and back to the pier.  A full morning with some beautiful scenery.  The color of the water is so beautiful and clear, it is impossible to explain.  After lunch and a nap we ran into Sam, our guide from this morning, and he took us to the shops close by to the ship.  We browsed in the Bermuda Craft Center and the Bermuda Arts Center.  After walking back to the ship it was almost time for happy hour.  We went to the Horizons bar and along with wine for Iris (Bob still is not up for alcohol), we listened to a local Bermudian play a steel pan concert.  Supper after that and an early night.

This is a "Moon Gate", built shortly after marriage to represent a wedding ring to show the eternal love of the new couple.

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