Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bob's Birthday

76 years ago in McGehee, Arkansas on a cold snowy Wednesday afternoon, Glennie Harrod Spears brought into the center of the world one, Robert Luther Spears, also son of Bruce Wilson Spears.
So much for ancient history.
On a beautiful winter day in the South of France with the sun shining brightly Bob & Iris awoke to celebrate Bob's birthday (a day early) by making the trip of 1 hour, 20 minutes to Maussane where we visited the olive plantation and processor, Le Mas des Barres just outside of town.  Last year this favorite place of ours had no olive harvest so we could not get their oil but this year they had a good crop in November so we bought some of the new harvest.  We had a tasting and it was delicious, maybe not on the same level with what we used to produce in Secciano but certainly very good.

 Iris at entrance to the shop at Mas des Barres
 Olive trees at Mas des Barres
 Scenery from Mas des Barres
 Our 3-litre can of olive oil
Display at Mas des Barres
Next we had a few minutes to kill so we stopped at the La Fountain Cafe in Maussane where their outdoor cafe is across the street beside the church.  On the public parking area just in front of the Tourist Office there is a huge cruifix that must just drive the moslems crazy in Maussane.  We had a "Gran Creme" and relaxed at the cafe.

From Maussane is is a 2-minute drive to Paradou and our favorite restaurant in France, Le Bistrot du Paradou, where we have been coming since 1994.  This was the first time to be here in the winter.  Inside it was nice and warm and the bottle of "Cotes du Rhone" wine was sitting open on our table so we enjoyed that for a little while before ordering the only thing available, lamb.  But first we had a choice of escargot or foie gras so we opted for the snails and were not disappointed.  Lots of butter, parsley and garlic.
 Bob standing in front of Bistrot du Paradou

The lamb was next and it was done exactly like we like it and it was very special.
Then the cheese platter where we got greedy and had too much.
The cheese was followed by dessert.  Iris had chocolate cake with whipped cream.  Bob had ice cream with a sparkler in it to mark the birthday.
What a great birthday.
One last photo of a space that used to be a window at Bistrot du Paradou especially for Nancy who knows how to pronounce this properly.

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