Monday, March 27, 2017

2017 Southeast Motorhome Trip (Charleston)

March 25
Up early (again) in order to get into Charleston, 10 miles from our campground.  First stop was Walmart for exchange of our Rand McNally atlas that did not have the first 8 pages thus missing Alabama and Alaska, then on into Charleston where parking is a real problem.  We finally parked close to our chosen restaurant in a dingy dirty parking deck for $8.  Walked back half a block to SNOB (Slightly North of Broad) recommended by Carolyn and Randall and it was outstanding.  Bob had fried chicken with grilled eggplant, zucchini, tomato while Iris had fried chicken livers with polenta.  We shared the apple pie and its a good thing we did.  It was a huge portion.  Back to the car, Iris could not walk up again due to bad knee so Bob got the car and drove down the ramp to pick her up. Then to find a parking place near the shop where we were to pick up our tickets for the house tours.  Tickets in hand, we then went to the city parking deck and found a space on level 7.  Fortunately an elevator got us back to street level and away we went for our tour of 8 houses on Meeting Street.  We were able to make 6 and then Iris was not able to go any further so we returned to the car and made our way out of town back to the campground.  A light supper, watched Xavier go down to defeat by Gonzaga, and to bed early.

March 26

Leisurely morning getting ready for our reservation at Leyla’s Lebanese Restaurant at 12:30.  Arrived right on time, greeted and seated by Leyla. We decided to share several starters for our lunch.  Everything reminded us of foods we had when we lived in Saudi Arabia and it was all very good, with baklava for dessert.  Then we proceeded to walk it all off on the walking tour of King Street.  Three houses on Broad Street, not impressive as two were B&B’s and one was a real estate office but the five on King Street were exceptional, much better to us than yesterday.  These were mostly individual houses one room wide in order to catch the breezes.  Walking almost to the bottom of King Street as well as standing waiting for entry to some of the houses was tiring,  but a very enjoyable day.  Back to the motorhome to watch NC against KY.  The locals are hoping for a finals of NC and SC.  To bed.

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