Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25, 2016

Today was our light breakfast followed by a short drive from our apartment to St Jean Cap Ferrat, the piece of land that juts out into the Med where we were fortunate to find a parking space just minutes before opening time at the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild and what a villa it is.  This must be the ultimate in Riviera extravagance, this pink villa constructed in 1905 with views west to Villefranche-sur-Mer and east to Beaulieu-sur-Mer.  Beatrice, the eccentric Baroness de Rothschild, the French heir to the important banking family, built and furnished this grand place.  It took us about one and one-half hours to visit all the rooms available and then we made our way to the original dining room of the villa that is now the restaurant for the hordes of tourists.  Our table overlooked the sea toward Villefranche so by arriving early we had this wonderful view with a glass of rose.  Lunch was sea bass served over a bed of veg and salad, very nice, then a chocolate wonder for Iris and ice cream for Bob.  After this fortification we began our walk through the gardens, first the French garden with the water feature with towering fountains and dancing waters set to music and played every 20 minutes.  From the French garden we then strolled through the Spanish Garden, Florentine Garden, Stone Garden, Japanese Garden, Provencal Garden, Exotic Garden and the Rose Garden ending at the "Temple of Love", being bashful we didn't tarry here.  Along the way we met a nice couple from Austin having their last fling without dragging kids along as she was due to bring a boy into the world in less than 2 months.  He is a anesthesia doctor with St David's Round Rock.  Small world.  We were about out of gas at this point so we wandered back through the gardens to the exit with obligatory gift shop and then back to our car for the short drive back to our apartment.  After a long nap, the housekeeper of the villa arrived to tell us what to do with the keys tomorrow as it will be her day off.  We received a note and small gift from the owners wishing us good travels.
 Us near the entrance to the villa
 The Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild front
 Missen figures
 The French garden seen from the loggia
 View of Villafranche from the villa
 Dining room
 Bob in the French garden
 Iris in the French garden
Us in the Stone garden - photo taken by couple from Austin, TX
We will be sorry to leave our apartment with its 270 degree views of the sea with the villages, yachts and mountains.  We thought some might be interested to see our digs so here goes.
 Front of the villa
Rear of the villa - our apartment is the 3rd level on the far right
 Living/dining, terrace with views
 Living room
 Bob enjoying the view
 Early morning view to the east
 Bob blogging

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