Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 4, 2016

France doesn't seem to understand about the 4th of July so I tell them it's Bastille Day in America.  Then they get it.
We decided we'd drive to Ansouis today for a nice lunch at La Closerie Restaurant (1-Star Michelin).  We left home and started our drive through some beautiful countryside.  First field that caught our eye was sunflowers.

Shortly after our stop to admire the sunflowers we had a pull-off spot to enjoy the vineyards.

We arrived Ansouis a few minutes early so parked in the shade and walked to the restaurant.  Most of the people we encountered were speaking English.  Ansouis has been discovered.  This is the front of the restaurant.

 As the weather was getting warm, high 80's and lovely blue skies we decided to be seated inside instead of outside in partial sunshine.

We ordered the menu of the day with a bottle of local rose wine that was very cold and crisp and tasty.  For our starter we had rabbit pate with crisp veg.  Very decorative.

 Followed by the main course of lamb with mushrooms and tiny potatoes.

For dessert we enjoyed lavender ice cream atop a cookie with whipped cream and apricots and it was yummy.
After paying our bill we made our way back to the car where the sun had found it while we were away.  The temperature was 115 degrees but with our trusty A/C we had it down to comfortable soon with the outside temp at 93.  Arriving home we turned on our A/C to enjoy our nap.
Great day even without fireworks!